Share Information

Stock Price

Ticker CIRA.CA
ISIN Code EGS65541C012
Market Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX)
Sector Education Services
Total Issued Shares 582,790,325
Total common shares 582,790,325
Total preferred shares 0
Par Value / Share EGP 0.40
Authorized Capital EGP 500,000,000
Issued Capital EGP 233,116,130
Number of Listed Shares 582,790,325
Paid-Up Capital EGP 233,116,130
Fiscal Year 1 September – 31 August
Name of Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers

Share Price


14.39 EGP


0.84 %

Social Impact Capital 88.7
Free Float 11.3

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Return calculations do not include reinvested cash dividends. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.